It's November, and everyone is packing up their Halloween costumes and decorations...But, don't forget that
Dr. Scheier's 4th Annual Halloween Candy Buy-Back is going on right now in our office!
Dr. Mitchell Scheier will pay trick-or-treaters, mothers, fathers, grandparents and/or guardians $1.00 per pound of their excess uneaten and unopened Halloween candy. Last year our office collected almost 1,000 pounds of candy, and we want to exceed that amount this year! If you drop off your candy, you will receive a goody bag to help keep your teeth clean and sugar-free. You may also enter our raffle for a chance to win a new iPod Nano!
All of the Halloween candy collected will be shipped to our troops overseas and right here at home, providing them a sweet treat as a thank you for their service. Feel free to leave a note, drawing, prayer, or poem with your Halloween candy to be shipped to our troops.
Candy drop off began on Monday, and it ends tomorrow, November 3rd! Thank you in advance for helping us support this wonderful cause!