Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The importance of oral cancer screenings, from Dr. Scheier

In our continuing efforts to provide the most advanced technology and highest quality care available to our patients, Mitchell D. Scheier and Associates screens our patients for oral cancer. The fact is, every hour of every day in the U.S., someone dies of oral cancer, which is the sixth-most common diagnosed form of the disease. The five-year survival rate is only 50 percent, and oral cancer is one of the few cancers whose survival rate has not improved.

Early detection of pre-cancerous tissue can minimize or eliminate the potentially disfiguring effects of oral cancer and possibly save your life. Ask Dr. Scheier about a screening at your next appointment!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Gum disease and YOU, from Dr. Mitchell Scheier

It’s easy to tell when you have a cavity; but unfortunately, gum disease can exist in your mouth without you even knowing, Dr. Scheier says. In fact, you can have the beginning stages of gum disease without noticing any pain or discomfort. Since gum disease can be undetectable, it’s important to watch for warning signs in order to prevent the disease from worsening!

Signs to watch for:

• Gums that appear red or swollen
• Gums that feel tender
• Gums that bleed easily (during brushing or flossing)
• Gums that recede or pull away from the teeth
• Persistent bad breath
• Loose teeth
• Any change in the way teeth come together in the biting position
• Any change in the way partial dentures fit

If you or someone in your family is showing these signs, schedule an appointment right away by calling Mitchell D. Scheier and Associates. Dr. Scheier can diagnose the problem and begin treatment to save your teeth and give you back a healthy mouth!

Friday, March 12, 2010

This March, what are you up to? From Mitchell D. Scheier and Associates

Tough to believe, but it’s almost springtime. The daffodils and buttercups are on their way, the sun is warming up and the smell of freshly-cut grass is wafting from baseball fields nearby. Today, Dr. Scheier and team thought this would be a good time to ask: What are your plans for March?

Are you ready for spring? Are you participating in school sports this year? Do you have exciting plans? We’d love to know them all!

You may share your stories or plans with our team here, on our Facebook fan page or by giving us a call!

P.S. While you’re on our Facebook page, become a fan!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Dr. Mitchell D. Scheier & Associates, supporting National Nutrition Month

March has arrived, and that can only mean one thing: it’s National Nutrition Monthh. Every March, Dr. Mitchell Scheier and thousands of dentists and hygienists celebrate National Nutrition Month. This March, Dr. Scheier and our team want you to think diabetes, obesity and periodontal disease, and how healthful eating and physical activity may improve periodontal health.

At Mitchell D. Scheier and Associates, we know small changes really can make a big difference, and the American Dietetic Association (ADA) has some advice on ways to start improving your diet this March:

Focus on fruits and vegetables: Add a serving each day to one meal and increase it every few weeks. Adding more of these foods into your diet is important whether you buy frozen, fresh or organic.

Think fresh, think local: From farmer’s markets to community-supported agriculture, you have many options to find new, fresh foods in our neck of the woods.

Make every calorie count: When you are choosing between options, focus instead on the one with more of the vitamins and nutrients that you need. Sometimes, foods with fewer calories aren’t always the healthiest options.

It’s tempting, but…: If you have a sweet tooth, have fruit and yogurt for dessert. If you crave a snack in the afternoon, enjoy some trail mix or nuts.

Expand your horizons: Try a fish you’ve never eaten before or find a new vegetable recipe. By testing yourself, you might find new health favorites to add to your regular grocery list.

If you have additional questions about periodontal disease or keeping yourself and your mouth healthy, please give us a call!